By Sami Zaptia.

London, 11 January 2019:
The Rada Special Deterrence Force (SDF) has appealed to the Libyan public for information on a number of terror suspects.
On Monday, Rada published a number of photos and names of individuals it is seeking and called on the public to help it with any information.

It said that as a part of security cooperation and ensuring the safety of the country and ridding it of terrorist organizations it appealed to the general public to share the data it published on wanted suspects.
Rada said that the appeal for information from the general public came as a result of investigations and the questioning of some of those arrested in terrorism cases.
These have reveaed some facts and names of persons that are involved in bombings and the dispatch of suicide bombers to target some civilian and military institutions in Tripoli and other cities of Libya.
These included the al-Fuqha checkpoint, the Misrata court complex, the High Natonal Electoral Commission, the National Oil Corporation Tripoli headquarters and lastly the attack on the Libyan Foreign Ministry headquarters in Tripoli.
Rada reported that most of the movements of these suspected elements are on the outskirts of the cty of Sebha (al-Qardah, al-Thanawiya, Abdulkafi district, al-Taouri, Goda and surrounding farms as well as the Um al-Hares area with some elements of Isis).
The suspected elements move between checkpoints with forged personal papers as well as the disguise in the occasional attire of women, Rada explained.
Rada is aligned to the Faiez Serraj Presidency Council and Government of National. It is led by Abdelrauf Kara who follows the Salafi/Madkhali interpretation of Islam, a more conservative strain from the traditional Malaki/Sufi practiced in Libya.