By Ajnadin Mustafa.

Tripoli, 24 November 2014:
Claims by Libya Dawn forced to have captured Al-Wattiya airtbase base, between Al-Jmail and the Jebel . . .[restrict]Nafusa escarpment, have been denied by the Zintan Operations Room.
In a statement this evening, the Zintanis said that the massive base was still in their hands and that the nearest Libya Dawn forces were at the Mellitah oil and gas terminal on the coast near Zuwara.
Earlier it had been claimed on social media that Misratan forces had take the base, captured two jet planes, destroyed four others and arrested 20 “Gadafistas” of whom six were pilots. It was also claimed that the jets which bombed Mitiga this afternoon had taken off from Al-Wattiya. The Zintanis, who seized the base since the revolution, have counter claimed saying that the base has remained unusable since being bombed by NATO in 2011.
None of today’s claims has been verified.
Last week, the Zintan Operations Room claimed that 40 Libya Dawn vehicles had arrived at the base to try and take it over but had been driven back. [/restrict]