The UN Security Council updated its sanctions regime on Libya yesterday and extended its mandate until May 2026 (under Chapter VII of the Charter).
The Security Council exempted certain activities from the arms embargo on Libya and allowed for the investment of its frozen assets and created new sanctions designations for those involved in the illicit trade in Libyan petroleum products.
The resolution demanded full compliance with the arms embargo, called on all Member States not to exacerbate or intervene in the conflict and reiterated that those individuals or entities determined to have violated the provisions of resolution 1970 (2011) are subject to designation.
The Resolution also decided that the relevant arms embargo shall not apply to any technical assistance or training provided by Member States to Libyan security forces intended solely to promote the process of Libyan military and security institutions’ reunification. Further, it asserted that such arms embargo is not to be applied to military aircraft or naval vessels temporarily introduced into Libya’s territory solely to deliver items or facilitate activities otherwise exempted or not covered by the embargo.
The resolution also allowed the Libyan Investment Authority’s (LIA) frozen cash reserves to be invested in low-risk time deposits with appropriate financial institutions selected by the LIA according to specified conditions. Additionally, the Council decided that certain travel-ban and asset-freeze provisions in resolution 1970 (2011) shall also apply to individuals and entities determined to have provided support for armed groups and criminal networks through illicit exploitation or export of crude oil or refined petroleum in or from Libya.
Mandate of Panel of Experts Extended Until 15 May 2026
Among other measures, the Council decided to extend, until 1 May 2026, the authorizations and measures in resolution 2146 (2014), which relate to the inspection of vessels designated as attempting to illicitly export crude oil from Libya. The Council also decided to extend, until 15 May 2026, the mandate of the relevant Panel of Experts.