The Libyan Local Governance Forum was launched last Friday for two days to meet international partners. The event was launched by Minister of Local Government, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for International Cooperation, the Chair of the Sustainable Development Committee in the Libyan House of Representatives, several foreign ambassadors, the Ambassador of the European Union, the Ambassador of Germany and 21 international organizations between international donors and implementing institutions.
The event was held under the slogan “Effective Municipalities – A Unified Libya – A Promising Future” and was co-implemented by Germany’s GIZ.
The forum aims to create a common understanding among international partners regarding priority areas of the roadmap for strengthening decentralization and empowering municipalities, and what achieves its vision to strengthen local administration based on the legal framework in force in Libya. It also aims to define a common framework for coordinating international support to achieve the implementation of the roadmap approved by the Ministry of Local Government.