By Sami Zaptia.
London, 2 April 2019:
The Libyan Organization for Intellectual Property (LOIP), a Libyan NGO registered last year, has launched a competition to design its logo. Three thousand Libyan Dinars will be awarded to the winning design, with a certificate of thanks and acknowledgement from the LOIP.
LOIP is launching the competition this month on account of the onset of the World Intellectual Property Day on 26 April and on the launch of LOIP which considers itself to be the first Libyan organization for the protection of intellectual property.
LOIP told Libya Herald that the NGO aims to nurture and spread the culture of dealing with intellectual property rights of all kinds in Libya. They hope this will contribute to the creation and development of a unified institutional style of the management of these rights, and to advocate for the creation of an intellectual property law in Libya.
Based on a new Libyan identity that is more enriching and interactive with its Mediterranean neighbours and at an international level, LOIP has launched its design competition according to the following conditions:
- The logo should reflect the name of the organization
- The logo shall be an expression of the identity of the organization and its activities
- The logo shall be distinctive, not similar to other logos, and not taken from another entity or project
- The designer should explain the philosophy and dimensions of the logo and its colours
- The details of the logo should be clear when minimized to 15mm x 15mm
- The logo should be easy, simple and uncomplicated in its element and colours
- The size of the logo should be (20mm x 30mm) with an accuracy of not less than 300 pixels/inch
- Deadline for submission of designs is Friday 19/04/2019
- The designer shall present their full data (name-address-contact numbers)
- The designs and designer data shall be sent to the organization’s mail: [email protected]
Libyan Organization for Intellectual Property
Apartment 3, Building 68
Bab Ben Gashir – infront of Alnaser Forest
Tripoli, Libya