By Mojutaz Ali,

Tripoli, 22 October 2016:
Aref Nayed, who has served as Libyan ambassador to the UAE since the revolution has resigned.
In a letter today to Ageela Saleh, President of the House of Representatives (HoR), he gives no reason for the resignation, saying simply that it had been an honour to serve in the post since being appointed by National Transitional Council (NTC) in June 2011 and that all official documents and stamps had been handed over to the embassy’s financial controller
Another document attached to the resignation letter by the financial controller states that Nayed had not been paid his salary not receive any money for the period he was ambassador.
Salary issues are, however, not thought to play any part in his resignation.
It believed that exasperation with the political impasse in Libya and the inability of the country’s political leaders to make greater efforts to surmount the crisis was the main reason.
Nayed, who also heads the Libyan Institute for Advanced Studies (LIAS) has taken a prominent role trying to bridge the divide over the past two years. It is expected that he will now concentrate his activities on LIAS.