By Libya Herald reporter.

Misrata, 21 May 2016:
Mohamed Fitouri Sualim, who was labour minister in the government of Ali Zeidan, was killed . . .[restrict]in clashes today at the Baghla checkpoint on the Waddan road south of Abu Grain.
Sualim, 53, from Misrata, was with the Third Forces Operations Room. Men from the Third Force, which had been stationed in the south for the past three years, moved towards Abu Grain earlier this week to join the forces under the Al-Bunyan Al-Marsous Operations Room set up to combat the so-called Islamic State (IS).
Sualim and his men were at the Baghla checkpoint when IS fighters launched a sudden attack early this morning. In addition to his being killed, three others were wounded. One is from Misrata, the other two are from the Awlad Sulaiman tribe in Fezzan.
IS also launched an attack at Abu Grain in which five people were injured, one seriously. According to the Facebook page of the Bunyan Marsous Operations Room which announced his death, one person was also killed at Abu Grain. The announcement said that the death and the injuries were the result of land mine explosions.
Sualim was one of the revolutionary commanders in Misrata during the revolution. In late 2012, Ali Zeidan appointed him minister of labour but after the collapse of the Zeidan government he returned to military life with the Third Force.
Prior to the revolution, having studied electrical engineering at Tripoli University, he worked with the General Authority for Manufacturing before moving to the private sector. [/restrict]