By Libya Herald reporter.
Misrata, 22 May 2016:
Another officer has been killed and two soldiers wounded . . .[restrict]near Abu Grain.
According to the media office of the Bunyan Marsous Operations Room, Colonel Mohamed Osuaib was killed when a mine exploded on Saturday night.
However, other military officials say that Osuaib was killed and the other two wounded not at Abu Grain nor in mine explosion but in the attack early yesterday on the Baghla checkpoint in which former government minister Mohamed Sualim died.
The area around Abu Grain is strewn with mines placed by the so-called Islamic State. Several members of the Misratan-led forces have been killed in recent days as a result.
Abu Grain itself is in the hands of the Misratans, with the front line at Al-Wishka 25 kilometres away. However, there are unconfirmed reports that Bunyan Marsous forces are now at Buerat Al-Hasun, 15 kilometres further along the road to Sirte.