The Attorney General reported yesterday that its Deputy Public Prosecutor has detained, pending further investigation, the Managers of Afriqiyah Airways and Libyan Airlines, as well as eight others in their respective Airworthiness Continuity, Technical Affairs, Air Safety, and Compliance Monitoring Departments.
Examining various airline accidents related to the operation of aircraft and other incidents affecting the safety of air transport, the Deputy Public Prosecutor concluded that the causes of aircraft accidents were represented in neglecting to conduct inspections at the time they were due.
These would be according to the factors adopted by the manufacturer, in different codes and forms, as well as deliberately replacing spare parts that do not comply with the specifications approved in places not licensed by the manufacturer.
The investigator inferred that the will of the managers of the two companies tended to violate the civil aviation safety regulations by deliberately operating flight that do not meet the safety conditions and standards, which endangered the lives of passengers.
When the investigator completed the interrogations, he detained the ten defendants in pretrial detention, pending investigation.