By Sami Zaptia.

London, 20 September 2021:
TunisAir Express announced Saturday that it will resume flights between Djerba and Tripoli Mitiga airport as of Thursday 23 September. There will be two weekly flights on Thursdays and Sundays.
Passengers must comply with the applicable health protocol agreed between the two countries.
The announcement by TunisAir Express follows on from the decision by Tunisia and Libya to reopen their land and air borders last Friday following its closure because of the Coronavirus in mid-July.
It also follows on from the announcement on 16 September by parent company TunisAir that it will also be resuming its flights as of Thursday 23 September from Tunis Carthage airport to Tripoli Mitiga and Benghazi Benina airports.
Tunisia denies refusing entry to Libyans as its borders remain closed | (
Libya to reopen land borders and resume flights with Tunisia as of tomorrow | (