By Sami Zaptia.

London, 22 August 2020:
Libya’s coronavirus cases continue to spiral out of control as they passed 10,000 mark yesterday.
Libya’s National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) said there were 414 new cases yesterday, with 8,888 active cases, 1,053 recovered cases and 180 deaths.
Libyans continue to meet socially, which is seen as the main cause of the increased spread. They have proven unable to prevent themselves from meeting family members, attending baby parties, weddings and funerals.
This, despite a 24-hour weekend curfew. Many leave for an extended weekend at parent’s or relatives’ homes from Thursday.
And although mask wearing has increased over the last two weeks, many are still not taking up the habit.
The acute power cuts in the high summer heat has meant it has been nearly impossible for many to stay cooped up at home with no air conditioning. Many have headed to the beaches.
Cash shortages have also meant people are forced to queue at banks in the feint hope of obtaining some of their cash.