By Sami Zaptia.

London, 14 December 2019:
Libya’s state National Oil Corporation (NOC) announced today that an additional 2,500 barrels per day were added to production rates at Mellitah Oil and Gas’s the Abu Attifel field.
The NOC said that the new well KK6 was operated today in the contracting Area (A) of the Abu Attifel field and placed on-line.
This was done after the completion of the installation of a new well complex to connect the wells to the substation with installation KK.
Two production and testing lines for the wells K 1K, K, K 4K and 1 K-1 and the new well K-6, with the installation of future well connections K7K, 8K at the plant, which are intended to be drilled and connected in 2020 after the adoption of the Field Development Plan by the NOC.