By Saber Ayyub and Ajnadin Mustafa.

Tripoli, 7 August 2015:
There have been widespread rumours in Tripoli today that one of the capital’s . . .[restrict]most powerful militia leaders, Hatiham Tajouri, was seriously injured in a gunfight yesterday. It has, however, been impossible to confirm them although sources in Tripoli Central Hospital claim he was taken there.
It is reported that Tajouri was involved yesterday evening in a shootout in Tajoura, the suburb east of the capital, with members of the Islamist Nasawi Brigade and then taken to intensive care in Tripoli Central Hospital.
The reason for the fight, if it took place, is not known. The Tiyur area is just beyond Mitiga airport where both Tajouri and Abdul Raouf Kara, who heads the Nawasi Brigade among other forces, are based. Both control prisons at the airbase.
Tajouri has been a major military figure in the capital, variously heading the Tripoli Revolutionaries’ Brigade and a commander of the former Supreme Security Committee (SCC). [/restrict]