By Libya Adam Ali.

Benghazi, 18 July 2015:
Daesh gunmen this morning seized a Sirte social media activist and executed him in public, . . .[restrict]leaving his body tied to the bottom of an advertising hoarding.
The victim, provisionally named as Hamad Salem Buzmitah Ferjani, is reported to be one of the moderators of the Misratan 166 Brigade Facebook page. Four days ago this page released the names of people in an around Misrata who, it alleged, were linked to the smuggling of arms to Daesh militants in Benghazi via the small port of Mreisa.
It is reported that Ferjani, who was living in the west of Sirte, was betrayed to Daesh, who seized him saying that he was a spy. He was put into an orange jumpsuit, tied to the steel framework and shot.
Daesh’s hold on Sirte has been tightening. This week billboards were put up setting out how women should dress. Clothing was to be loose and not show the body, no part of which should be revealed; no “heretical” clothing was to be worn, no accessories carried which drew attention and perfumes were banned.