By Naam Al-Khosi

Tripoli, 13 May 2014:
Aman Bank BES Group announced this week that chequebooks can now be obtained at all Aman . . .[restrict]Bank branches, not only at the main branch on Gurji Road. The bank, in which Portugal’s Banco Espirito Santo has a controlling interest, also has several new services it will soon be rolling out via its ATM machines . These include the transfer of cash to other customers, currency exchange and cheque deposit. Plans are also in the works to open Aman Bank’s first Islamic bank on Omer Al-Mokhtar Street, near the Tripoli International Fairground.
Aman Bank already has a number of ATM machines strategically placed around the city that offer a wide variety of services, including cash withdrawals and deposits, checking account balances and recharging prepaid Visa cards. The bank provides 24-hour security for all its ATMs .
The bank says that it is keen to offer quality customer service, noting that it provides access to customer service call centre round the clock. Mohamed Adwan of the customer care department and Nirouz Shahoub of the public relations department told Libya Herald that the bank is working to upgrade the technology used in its ATMs in order to expand services offered. “Already we have SMS banking and monthly account e-statements online via a secure password provided by the client.”
Aman Bank recently announced a tender to renovate and allocate a floor for VIP use on the seventh floor of its main branch. This new facility is designed to provide quality service to its valued customers. [/restrict]