By Ashraf Abdul Wahab and Ayman Amzain
Tripoli and Derna, 12 October 2013:
It is reported that the Derna head of the National . . .[restrict]Forces Alliance party, Safowan Al-Masourie survived an assassination attempt in the city yesterday.
The attack on Masourie occurred on the same day that six members of the Derna branch of the NFA announced their resignation from the party.
The six are Mohamed Adam Muzni, Abdel-Salam Mohamed Bin Tahir, Zeyad Abdel-Razaq Rabii, Nuri Abdel-Qader Laeiraj, Ahmed Abdel-Aziz Warith and Marwan Abdulla Bin Zabeya.
Complaining in their resignation letter that the views of rank-and-file members did not find their way up to the party leadership, the six protested the party’s plan abandon its boycott of any GNC business that did not relate to the creation of the new constitution.
They wrote that though they agreed in principle with the leadership’s plan for national dialogue, they felt it went against the halt to all but constitution-related debates. To press ahead with this change, they said, “would be as if the Alliance is belittling people minds in the same way other parties seemed to have done!