By Jamal Adel.
Tripoli, 19 April 2014:
It has been announced that Almadani Abdullah Almurtada has been reappointed head of the . . .[restrict]security directorate in Ghat after a successful court appeal against the former Integrity Commission’s decision 16 months ago to disbar him on the grounds that he had been too closely involved with the Qaddafi regime.
“The acting minister of interior Saleh Mazegh signed a decision on Monday authorising Almurtada to return to the position as head of security in Ghat after he won a case in court against the Integrity Commission,” local Ghat Radio station journalist and brother of Almurtada, Ahmed Abdullah Almurtada, told the Libya Herald.
“The decision of the Integrity Commission that sacked Almurtada was utterly unfair,” the brother said.
The decision to reappoint was taken on Monday.
The Integrity Commission disbarred at least 17 leading Ghat officials for involvement with the Qaddafi regime, including its members of Congress, and is still having consequences.
“The series of decisions made by the Integrity Commission is now disrupting the municipal elections in town,” declared Ahmed Almurtada.
Support for the former regime remained strong in Ghat for some considerable time after the revolution. There are those who say it is still the case. However, the new Prime Minister Abdullah Al-Thinni has made a conscious effort to draw the deep southwestern town fully into the new Libya, holding his first cabinet meeting there in a show of reconciliation and inclusiveness.
“We still don’t know when the elections is going to be held in the town,” he said.