By Libya Herald staff.
Tobruk, 25 May 2015:
Prime Minister Abdullah Al-Thinni’s cabinet appointed a new director for the Libyan side of the . . .[restrict]Libyan-Egyptian border crossing in a meeting late last week.
Mustafa Abu Harara has been named the new director of the Musaid border crossing. He was appointed at a meeting attended by Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior, the Minister of Education, the Minister of Finance and Planning, the Minister of Economy and Industry and a number of members of the House of Representatives.
The Interior Ministry recently announced a new electronic passport system to be put in place for the Musaid-Salloum border crossing in order to improve security and reduce smuggling.
The Musaid crossing, like those on the other side of the country, on the Tunisian border at Ras Jedir and Wazin, has been regularly closed for a range of reasons – from attacks to local protests and threats by smugglers.