By Tazeez Hasairi.

Tripoli, 25 December 2013:
Sirte’s Sports Centre launched its first mini tennis tournament last Sunday 22 December, being held at . . .[restrict]the Hospitality Castle fields next to the sea.
The tournament, made up of 8 local teams, will last for 12 Days.
It is the first mini tournament being held timed to take place prior to the larger Libya-wide national tournament. The Sirte Sports Center is sponsoring this local mini tournament from its own budget, even though it’s a part of the Ministry of Youth and Sports.
The head of Sirte’s Sports Council, Mohamed Atia, said that none of the government officials have attended any of the games so far, but that a few local figures and members of Sirte Local Council had.
Atia stressed that the prizes for the tournament were symbolic aimed at “encouraging the players”.
He also revealed that the next tournament would be a bigger event for non-professional teenagers above 12 years old says, and that the last day of the tournament will be a closing ceremony to honour all the players and that it will be a public event. [/restrict]