By Mariam Muttawa and Ashraf Abdul Wahab

Tripoli, 8 September 2013:
A forlorn group of Egyptians who arrived in Tripoli with forged visas, . . .[restrict]is camped out at Tripoli International Airport while they are waiting to be repatriated in dribs and drabs to Egypt.
Yesterday there were some 500 illegals stranded at the airport, being sent home in small groups using standby seats on Egypt-bound flights. A spokesman at the Egyptian embassy told Libya Herald that the men were being taken care of and he hoped that the last of the men would be gone by tomorrow.
On Thursday an entire plane-load of Egyptians landing in Kufra from Alexandria, was found to have arrived with forged visas. On this occasion there was no problem repatriating the 165 passengers since the Nesma Airlines Airbus A320-232 would have been flying back to Alexandria virtually empty.