After increasing opposition, including demonstrations, by the business community, the Libyan Customs Authority announced last Monday (28 October) that it is postponing the mandatory introduction on 1 November of the cargo preregistration and tracking system of imports (Advanced Cargo Information (ACI) Electronic Cargo Tracking Note ECTN).
Audit Bureau to review contracting procedures of controversial ECTN (
ontroversial ECTN to continue operating: Customs Authority | (
Tripoli Chamber rejects Finance Minister’s defence of ECTN system | (
Call by Chambers of Commerce and Shipping to postpone or cancel use of ECTN | (
Electronic Cargo Tracking (ECTN) of shipments to be activated in Libya | (
Electronic Tracking system for imported goods goes into operation | (
Audit Bureau refers those behind 40 empty container hard currency fraud case | (
40 containers in US$ 8 million LC fraud discovered at Benghazi port | (
More Khoms Port containers seized in LC financial corruption | (