The Leaving No One Behind project, funded by the European Union and implemented by Cesvi with Tatweer Research, announced the launch of a Call for Proposals for grants to support civil society-led projects designed to promote economic, social and cultural rights in Libyan local communities, with a focus on women and youth.
The Leaving No One Behind CSOs for an inclusive Society is a 3-year project (2021-2024). It seeks to partner with civil society to strive for an inclusive local development and more equitable society in Libya where no one is left behind.
It says the overall objective of the project is to contribute to empower Libyan civil society to actively foster community development and social inclusion at local level, which enunciates the complex challenges found at the local level, whilst incorporating the perspectives, experiences and opportunities of local civil society actors to promote positive changes.
The specific objective is to strengthen the capacity of CSOs and informal community groups in promoting economic, social and cultural rights at local level by supporting them in defining their priorities, objectives and actions to meet their goals.
The duration of proposed projects cannot exceed six months. With a minimum duration is three months.
Funding for a single grant cannot exceed EUR 5,000 (in accordance with each CSO’s capacities and project proposal submitted). In the event of a CSO applying for multiple project-based grants, the total funding cannot exceed EUR 20,000 (in line with EU sub-award regulations).