By Libya Herald reporters.

Tunis, 3 September 2017:
Libya’s economic and political woes do not allow for further division, Presidency Council (PC) co-deputy head Ahmed Maetig said today.
In a short and notably restrained response to the assertion by fellow PC members Fathi Majbri, Ali Gatrani and Omar Aswad that by issuing decrees unilaterally, their chief Faiez Serraj had lost legitimacy, Maetig said only that he viewed their statement “with great concern”.
He said that Libya’s crisis demanded that all PC members sit down together as brothers to solve all outstanding problems in more positive ways. Maetig insisted the national interest should prevail over any other interests. The suffering of Libyans had to be the top priority.
He said that the foundations of stability meant decisions had to be taken within the framework of the Libyan Political Agreement (LPA).
So far Serraj himself has not responded to the criticisms made of his running of the PC.