By Olfa Andolsi.
Tunis, 11 May 2017:
A new agreement has been reached that allows foreign imports to transit through Egypt via the Musaid-Salloum land border.
The deal was officially approved by the economy minister in the Beida-based interim government, Munir Ezer. For it to become active it still requires the approval of the head of Egypt’s customs authority.
Part of the reasoning behind the agreement was to stimulate the economy of both countries the pro-Beida LANA news agency said.
However, with eastern Libya having only one effective functioning port – Tobruk – it is also likely the deal was reached to improve the efficiency of imports and exports in territory run by the Beida-based government.
There are others, but Benghazi’s port is too close to the fighting to operate while Brega, Ras Lanuf and Sidra, although they can be used by general cargo vessels are far from the main population centres in the east.
That puts pressure on Tobruk. Last July, its port director complained that his docks were buckling under the pressure of so much cargo arriving.
There have problems in the past over imports transiting from Egypt, with border closures and bans on certain goods. However, given inflation, approaching Ramadan, the need to ensure a regular flow of goods, particularly foodstuffs, has become a top priority for the authorities in the east.