By Michel Cousins.

The Hague, 30 March 2016:
The General Libyan Union of Chambers of Commerce and the Dutch Libyan Cooperation Council (DLCC) . . .[restrict]have signed an agreement to set up a joint Libyan-Dutch chamber of commerce.
The signing followed a seminar today in the Dutch capital, The Hague, on the current situation in Libya co-organised by the DLCC and the Libyan Institute for Advanced Studies.
According to today’s document, signed by Mohamed Al-Raied, the Misratan businessman and member of the House of Representatives who heads the General Libyan Union of Chambers of Commerce, and Herman Klijnsma, the head of the DLCC, there will be a formal agreement setting up the Libyan-Dutch Chamber of Commerce no later than 1 May.
Once operating, with offices both in Libya and the Netherlands, its services will include consultancy, trade fairs, conferences and seminars, training and education programmes, academic exchange programmes relating to knowledge transfer, and the promotion of foreign direct investments in both directions. [/restrict]