By Saber Ayyub.

Tripoli, 27 August 2015:
Misrata has released 15 Tawerghans in what appears to be the latest step in an hesitant . . .[restrict]rapprochement between the two communities.
The freeing of the men, who are thought to have been detained in 2011, comes after the latest meeting in Tripoli this week between the Misratan Municipality and members of Tawergha’s local council.
The men were taken from their prison on Tuesday to the Tawerghan refugee camp in Falah, Tripoli, where they were reunited with relatives.
It is not known how many more Tawerghans are still in Misratan custody.
Tawerghan and Misratan councillors met last month in Tripoli at which it appears they agreed that Tawerghans could return to their deserted and looted town by this December. A committee was to be set up to help the process. This came after UNSMIL chief, Bernadino Leon in May persuaded a Misratan delegation to back the Tawerghans return. That deal has since been denounced by some Misratans.
But yesterday Misratan councillor Ali Buseta told the Libya Herald “ We are working extensively to provide all logistic services required by Tawergha people to return to their homes”
This week the House of Representatives voted LD300 million toward the town’s rebuilding. It is unclear how these funds will be disbursed and how the rebuilding will take place. Tawerga’s council head Abderrahman Shakshak has said that the overriding need is to get the electricity up and running again.