By Libya Herald Reporters.

Tripoli, 2 June 2015:
Rising security fears after Sunday’s suicide bomb attack have prompted Misrata to impose a ban . . .[restrict]on foreigners entering the town.
From now on, no foreigner will permitted through the checkpoints ringing the town, unless they have valid residence and a local sponsor. It was unclear how the authorities planned to deal with any foreign workers in Misrata who may not have valid papers.
The ban has come from the town’s Military Council and follows the attack on the Dafniya check point in which six people were killed. The bombing was claimed by IS which said that a Tunisian member was responsible
A source in Misrata said that local commanders had been alarmed that the assault had been made on the western entry to the town.
In April, six people were killed and 21 injured when a suicide car bomb was detonated at the Sadada checkpoint in the east of the town, on the road tfrom Sirte which is now fully in IS hands. Misrata’s third main checkpoint is to the south at Dufan.
The United Nations Support Mission in Libya, used Sunday’s attack to urge once more both sides in the conflict to form a unity government as soon as possible. Condemning the bombing, UNSMIL said it was another attempt to derail the peace process. It also said that Libyans should realise “the growing danger of the Islamic State to their country and their way of life”. Only an inclusive government could combat the “scourge of terrorism” effectively and prevent terror groups from expanding their reach in Libya.