By Libya Herald reporter.
Ghariyan, 25 March 2015:
The Ghariyan Teaching Hospital (GTH), desperate to increase its medical staff, is planned a recruitment drive . . .[restrict]in Sudan to fill the need.
The decision to harvest health care workers from Sudan has come directly from the Ministry of Health in Tripoli, and recruiters from the hospital plan to spend the next two weeks in Khartoum searching for talent, Chairman of the Steering Committee at GTH Mohamed Biyoud told the Libya Herald.
The hospital is also in the midst of contract negotiations with 15 Ukrainian doctors who have recently left the hospital in Sirte, Biyoud added.
The hospital currently employs a number of other Ukrainian doctors, but six are preparing to retire and the others have reached the end of their contracts. The hospital administration is working with the Ministry of Health to extend them.
In addition to doctors, the GTH is in great need of nurses, in part because the nursing college has fallen behind in graduating newly-trained nurses because of the security situation in Ghariyan over the past year.
It is hoped that the college will have graduated a new group within the next two months, the college administration has said.
According to Biyoud, the shortage in workers is due mainly to the security situation on the road between Ghariyan and Tripoli. Many of the staff live in the capital but because of road closures and general insecurity on the route, many hospital employees have not been able to make it to work.
As for medical supplies, the hospital has plenty, Biyoud said. However, they are currently out of anesthetics.
“The hospital is working with the Ministry of Health to ensure that we receive more anesthetics this week,” Biyoud said.
The Ghariyan Teaching Hospital is the main hospital for the entire area of the Nafusa Mountains and includes departments of nephrology, internal medicine, orthopedics, surgery, obstetrics and radiology. [/restrict]