By Noora Ibrahim.

Benghazi, 4 September 2014:
A massive explosion in the Benghazi district of Buatni lit the night sky last . . .[restrict]night as Operation Dignity bombed Islamist positions across the city, including one large weapons store.
The Commander of Operation Dignity’s Air Force, Adam Saqr Geroushi, told the Libya Herald that his aircraft had carried out attacks on nine separate locations across the city including Gunfudah on the outskirts and 319 Camp in Buatni which is where the giant explosion took place.
The attacks appear to have been carried out with remarkable accuracy.
Geroushi explained that Dignity warplanes had carried out stikes on 319 Camp in Buatni, formerly the Saiqa Special Forces base, but captured by Ansar Al-Sharia and its allies last month and used for storing munitions.
Buatni has been the site of some of the worst violence in Benghazi over the last month and a half after Ansar Al-Sharia was able to drive Saiqa Special Forces from its base in the district. Most residents from the area have now been displaced and are sheltering in schools or with friends and relatives in other parts of the city.
Benina Airport and a nearby Air Defence base are the last major positions held by Operation Dignity in Benghazi with Ansar Al-Sharia making ever bolder attacks on airport on a daily basis.