Tripoli, 16 April:
A reconciliation meeting was held on Saturday in Murzuk bringing together local military leaders and security officials, a delegation . . .[restrict]from the Tebu community and elders and dignitaries of the region. It was presided over by Wanis Abu Khamada, who was appointed military commander of Sebha following the recent clashes in and around the city in which some 147 people died.
At the meeting, agreement was reached between the parties enabling the return of people who had fled the city during the fighting. All those present agreed to work for the establishment of state institutions and so lay the foundations of justice for those who had been affected by the fighting.
Meanwhile, the following day, former revolutionaries now in the armed forces in collaboration with the army’s engineering unit launched a clean-up campaign to remove the remnants of weapons and spent ammunition littering the nearby town of Al-Gordah as a result of the Sebha clashes.
The commander of the national army’s February Brigade, Abdel-Fattah Shammam, said that as a result of information from local residents as to the whereabouts of remaining ammunition, explosives and weapons in and around Al-Gordah, the army’s engineering unit had and started to collect them together and destroy them.
Sebha District Attorney, Ali Hassan, said that calm had returned to the city, and that the judiciary and prosecution officials were performing their duties as normal. He added that the judicial police in charge of protecting courts were carrying out their work as usual although they need further equipment to protect the main court and the prosecution offices.