The Attorney General’s Office announced on 7 December that the Tripoli Criminal Court issued a ruling convicting two officials at Al-Shwerif Rural Hospital of corruption. They were the Director General and his Deputy.
The two officials had conspired with the commissioner of one of the implementation tools contracted with it by the hospital by agreeing not to supply the medical supplies and equipment subject to the contract for the purpose of obtaining illegal material benefits. They had created official documents that contradicted the truth indicating the receipt of the equipment and supplies subject to the contract.
Tripoli Criminal Court imposed a four-year prison sentence on them. It obliged them to return 3.56 million dinars. They were each fined LD 4,000.
The court also convicted two employees of the Ministry of Health. They were sentenced to imprisonment for a period of one year. They were fined one thousand dinars. The financial controller was acquitted of charges.