Under the banner ‘‘Restoring trust between citizens and institutions to promote peace!’’, the Libyan Ministry of Local Governance hosted Thursday the 5th Steering Committee of the Baladiyati project to review progress.
The project, funded by the European Union in Libya has worked since 2018 in 20 municipalities across the country to improve services and create jobs while strengthening municipal administration and managing conflict.
The project is implemented by a consortium including Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo – AICS Tunisi UNDPLibya and UNICEF Libya
As part of its Local Peacebuilding Programme, the UNDP has accompanied 20 municipalities across Libya to
- Support local institutions to deliver critical services for 2 million people
- Set-up a capacity building programme for 100 municipality staff
- Strengthen capacities of 17 civil society organisations to promote peace, engaging over 400 people of which 54 percent were women
Now, as part of this project, the UNDP reports that it will focus on the South to develop and implement medium-term development and peacebuilding plans that contribute to conflict reduction and peaceful coexistence.