UNSMIL said Friday it was deeply concerned about the militia clashes in central Tripoli on Friday night and about the mobilization of militias, along with heavy weapons, from areas surrounding Tripoli. It said the central Tripoli militia clashes endangered the lives of civilians.
Tweeting on her personal social media account on the Friday night militia clashes, Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General on Libya Stephanie Williams said ‘‘Enough is enough! I call for absolute calm and protection of civilians.’’
In its official statement, UNSMIL said it was ‘‘deeply concerned about these developments, during an extremely sensitive period of political polarization which the United Nations, international partners, and concerned Libyans are making efforts to resolve, including through the talks aimed at establishing a constitutional framework to enable the holding of national elections at the soonest possible time, whose third and final round is scheduled to resume tomorrow, Sunday 12 June, in Cairo, Egypt.
UNSMIL calls on Libya’s political and security actors to exercise maximum restraint, demonstrate responsible leadership and address all disputes, both at the local and national levels, through dialogue. The Mission calls on all Libyans to do everything possible to preserve the country’s fragile stability at this sensitive time.
UNSMIL commends the efforts of all Libyan notables and stakeholders who are working to defuse current tensions and resolve the ongoing political impasse.’’