By Sami Zaptia.
Tripoli, 28 November 2021:
A delegation from the Misrata Chamber of Commerce, led by its chairman, visited the Benghazi Chamber of Commerce yesterday in the city of Benghazi to discuss ways of trade exchange. The visit came based on an invitation by the Benghazi Chamber to its Misrata counterpart.
The two chambers discussed ways to unify efforts to push towards the continuity of the wheel of economic development in the country and work to contain any repercussions on the commercial sector.
The two sides emphasized on the importance of teamwork in order to advance the interest of the country.
The development of a mechanism for implementing all initiatives that would contribute to achieving economic and development sustainability through strengthening cooperation and coordination whose impact is reflected on the well-being and development of the nation and the citizen was also discussed.
A visit by the Misrata Chamber to its Benghazi counterpart has political significance at any time for these at once conflicting cities. It is even more significant with the increased political tension on the eve of Libya’s 24 December elections.