By Sami Zaptia.

London, 23 August 2021:
The eastern branch of the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) announced yesterday that its conference in Benghazi on Islamic banking in Libya under the banner ‘‘Reality and ways of development’’, originally planned for October, has now been postponed 6-7 November 2021.
The eastern CBL branch says the conference aims to identify the reality of the Islamic banking experience in Libya, the challenges of utilizing funds in Islamic formats, knowing the nature of the legitimate supervisory work in operating banks, and examining the role of Islamic banking in the developmental and societal fields.
It said the five conference themes are:
- Theme one: The reality of Islamic banking in Libya.
- Theme two: Sharia supervisory work in banks operating in Libya.
- Theme three: The challenges of investing money in Islamic formulas.
- Theme four: The societal and developmental role of Islamic banking.
- Theme five: Ways to develop and advance Islamic banking
For further details, interested parties can email the conference organizing committee: [email protected]
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