By Sami Zaptia.

London, 3 July 2020:
Benghazi seaport received 145 ships and tankers and 11,987 containers from 1st April to 30th June according to import statistics released by the port yesterday.
These included 6,936 cars and trucks, 79,535 tons of wheat grain and 71,283 tons of barley grain.
There were also 25,125 tons of rice, 25,000 tons of sugar, and during the same period the port received total shipments of bananas worth 2,929 tons, and 52,560 of sheep and 1,207 cow heads.
The port also received 110,660 tons of cement, 2,452 tons of timber, 317,095 tons of gasoline fuel, 388,603 tons of diesel fuel, 19,500 tons of cooking gas and 4,012 tons of asphalt.
It will be recalled that on 1 July the port of had announced the arrival of a ship carrying 8,000 sheep from Spain in time for Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice).
The port had also received a car carrier with 265 cars coming from the European market.