By Sami Zaptia.

London, 27 August 2019:
At the conclusion of its summit yesterday in Biarritz, France, the G7 issued a non-binding declaration on several major geopolitical issues, including Libya, Iran, Ukraine, and Hong Kong.
The declaration reaffirmed the support of G7 nations for a truce, a political solution and an international conference that included all relevant Libyan stakeholders and regional actors.
Here is the summary text on Libya:
‘‘We support a truce in Libya that will lead to a long-term ceasefire.
We believe that only a political solution can ensure Libya’s stability.
We call for a well-prepared international conference to bring together all the stakeholders and regional actors relevant to this conflict.
We support in this regard the work of the United Nations and the African Union to set up an inter-Libyan conference’’.
It is noted that the text is non-binding and it does not categorise Khalifa Hafter and his Libyan National Army (LNA) as the aggressor nor does it call upon him to withdraw to status quo ante. It will be recalled that it was Hafter that launched the war on Tripoli on 4 April this year in an effort to ”liberate it” from ”Islamists, terrorists and militias”.