By Libya Herald reporters.
Benghazi, 5 November 2017:
A tip-off led immigration officials to a chalet in Benghazi’s Sid Khalifa beach district yesterday in which 25 Syrian illegal migrants were sheltering and apparently awaiting a smuggling vessel.
Amjad Al-Wafarli of the city’s illegal immigration department said that among the Syrians were four families. The would-be migrants were arrested and taken, with the assistance of the Red Crescent, to a shelter in Ganfouda where he said they had been given medical and humanitarian assistance. The Ganfouda shelter and another at Tukara further east of Benghazi are reported to contain hundreds of detained migrants.
Warfali said that the authorities were trying to trace the gang that had smuggled the Syrians to Benghazi and were planning to move them on across the Mediterranean.