By Libya Herald reporters.

Tripoli and Tunis, 27 October 2017:
The so-called Islamic State (IS) has said it carried out Wednesday’s dawn attack which completely overran an Libyan National Army (LNA) checkpoint 60 kilometres south of Ajdabiya.
The IS news agency Amaq put out a brief statement claiming responsibility for the assault in which at least three soldiers died. There have been reports that as many as ten LNA men were killed.
Seven vehicles were used in the IS operation which led to the capture of weapons and ammunition and the unconfirmed abduction of some soldiers. It appears that troops who came to the relief of the post were able to interview survivors who had fled.
The LNA reported that one of its men had been decapitated and that the terrorists had time to leave boobytraps behind including explosive linked to a dead soldier. The entire post at Tisan was destroyed before attackers withdrew.
It is understood that the LNA’s response has been to step up troop movements in the area. As yet, there has been no explanation as to how such a remote post would not have been on a permanent high state of alert. Terrorists have now managed several times to launch successful attacks on isolated LNA checkpoints.