By Libya Herald reporters.

Tripoli, 7 September 2017:
There are unconfirmed reports of five recent summary executions in Ajdabiya in which the Saiqa Special Forces major Mahmoud Warfali was involved. Warfali is supposed to be in LNA custody.
The LNA officer, for whom the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued an arrest warrant , is accused of war crimes on the basis of videos showing the cold-blooded murder of 33 bound prisoners, in which the killer resembled Warfali.
After the ICC announced on 17 August that it wanted Warfali handed over for trial in the Hague, the Libyan National Army (LNA) said that on the orders of armed forces commander-in-chief Khalifa Hafter, he had been arrested on 2 August. The LNA also said that it was carrying out its own investigation into the summary executions. Last month an LNA source denied a rumour that Warfali had been released.
The Ajdabiya allegations include a sighting of Warfali in the town last night where he was said to be on a visit to LNA units in the Oil Crescent.
There has not yet been any reaction from the LNA.