By Libya Herald reporters.

Tunis, 6 July 2017:
Presidency Council (PC) head Faiez Serraj has pointedly congratulated “the Libyan people, especially our people in Benghazi” on the end of years of suffering. In a statement put out this morning, he made no mention of Khalifa Hafter and the Libyan National Army (LNA).
Ahmed Sewehli, the son of State Council chief Abdulrahman Sewehli has meanwhile launched a virulent attack on British ambassador Peter Millett who had Tweeted last night that he welcomed the “liberation” of Benghazi. “Terrorism has no place in Libya. Hope this brings peace, security and prosperity for the people of Benghazi.”
Ahmed Sewehli counter-messaged that Millett was irresponsible and had made himself persona non grata. “He has given rogue Gen Hafter supporters the go ahead to attack (sorry ‘liberate’) Tripoli and Misrata in their coup attempt”.
Ahmed Sewehli has not so far commented on a similar message from UNSMIL which also used the word “liberation” and said there was no place for terrorism in the country.
UNSMIL said it hoped the city’s liberation was a step towards stability and reconciliation in Libya.
This last broadly echoed the rest of Serraj’s statement. “ We look forward to the start of building a single, civil democratic state with a single army and sovereign institutions”.
He said the priority now was to rebuild both infrastructure and institutions in Benghazi and throughout towns and cities which were still suffering greatly from terrorism and extremism.
He ended by insisting that the PC would spare no effort to achieve this.
This story has been updated . It was not SC head Abdulrahman Sewehli who tweeted against the British ambassador but his son Ahmed.