By Sami Zaptia.

London, 16 May 2017:
The chairman of the Libyan Businessmen Council (LBC) Abdalla Fellah has urged Italy to increase its economic support to Libya, increase its interaction with the Libyan private sector and to ease visa procedures for its members.
The call came during a meeting between the LBC chairman and Italy’s ambassador to Tripoli Giuseppe Perrone in Tripoli two weeks ago.
Fellah said that the private sector is ‘‘the future of Libya’’ and stressed the need for it to take part in the ‘‘large strategic projects’’. Delegations visiting Libya should concentrate on the private sector, Fellah added. He called for the easing of the process of granting visas for Libyan business leaders so as to facilitate the reactivation of economic relations with Italy ‘‘Libya’s first trade partner’’.
It was agreed that an expanded meeting with LBC members would be held on 23 May for further discussions on shared interests.