By Libya Herald reporters.

Benghazi, 22 April 2017:
Two people were killed and one injured today by a mortar round which landed in the Benghazi district of Guiliana.
Jalaa hospital said that the wounded individual had been treated for shrapnel wounds and was in a stable condition.
Libyan National Army sources described the round as random. However, it seems possible it was aimed at the naval headquarters beside the Guiliana bridge and fired from the militant enclave of Suq Al-Hout or from a mobile position.
Three weeks ago a sniper shot and killed a woman in a car and then a sailor who ran to help the family. The car had been approaching the Guiliana bridge when it was attacked. It was not physically possible to fire on the bridge from within the two districts, Suq Al-Hout and Sabri, still held by the militants.
Therefore it seems clear that the gunman had been operating within an area controlled by the security forces. No arrest was made and the Benghazi Security Directorate has not said if it discovered the sniper’s firing position.