By Jamie Prentis.
Tunis, 25 February 2017:
Ambassadors from a number of European countries and the US have condemned the recent clashes in Tripoli’s Abu Sleem district. The use of “indiscriminate violence” was also attacked.
They welcomed the ceasefire agreed in Abu Sleem but condemned any threats levelled at Presidency Council (PC) head Faiez Serraj or Libya’s institutions.
The group also called for the implementation of the Libyan Political Agreement (LPA).
EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini has condemned the violence in Tripoli.
“Violence will not resolve any of Libya’s political challenges,” she said.
Mogherini also referred to the alleged attack this week on Serraj and said it underlined the current fragility of Libya.
Meanwhile, US ambassador Peter Bodde saw State Council president Abdulrahmen Sewehli in Tunis today. Bodde said the US remained impartial but reiterated his country’s support for the implementation of the LPA.
He too expressed concern over the supposed attack on Serraj and Sewehli in Tripoli. The spread of weapons being used by militias was deeply concerning, Bodde said.
Thanking the US for its support, Sewehli however said the US and the UN needed to stop certain countries interfering in Libyan affairs. They only prolonged the ongoing conflict he insisted, without stating which country he was referring to.