By Libya Herald reporter.
Misrata, 29 December 2016:
A second Libyan civil aviation college has opened at Misrata. The formal launch took place yesterday attended by a number of local officials as well as representatives from the civil aviation authority.
According to the head of the college, Mustafa Garisa, it already has 100 students from across the country and is accepting applicants with a top-grade high-school science diploma. A development of a former training institute, the new college has started with two departments: engineering and aviation administration. The plan is that eventually it will have ten.
For the moment, it is located temporarily in the city’s Zawiyat Al-Majhoub district, using the former buildings of the agricultural institute there. Practical classes, however, are at the old military air academy at the airport.
New premises for the college are expected in the future.
The military air academy effectively closed after the revolution but was used more recently as the operations base for air strikes against the so-called Islamic State in Sirte. With victory declared in Sirte, though, that facility is no longer needed.
Until now all training in Libya has been at the College of Civil Aviation Technology and Meteorology at Esbaia, 12 kilometres south of the inactive Tripoli International Airport.