By Libya Herald reporters.

Tripoli, 5 April 2016:
Hard on the heels of the Tunisians, the Italians and the Turks have announced that . . .[restrict]they will shortly be reopening their diplomatic missions in Tripoli. The news agency LANA reports without naming them, that several Arab embassies will also be returning.
The Turks kept their consulate in Misrata open, closing it only briefly last September when it was attacked after Ankara imposed visa requirements on Libyan citizens.
Other country Libyan missions, currently located in Tunis, are still considering their return to Tripoli. One European ambassador said he and his staff were initially planning a series of short visits. The Turkish and Italian embassies are both on the Sharia Al-Fatah within or close to the security cordon that has been thrown up around the Bu Sitta naval base where the Presidency Council has located itself.
Yesterday Turkish ambassador Ahmet Dogan and Ankara’s Libyan special envoy Emrullah Isler saw premier-designate Faiez Serraj and other members of the Presidency Council at the naval base. They went on to meet Dar Al-Ifta leader Sheikh Sadik Al-Ghariani and Nuri Abu Sahmain, president of the rump of the General National Congress.
At a press conference afterwards at the Alwalid hotel, Isler said that Turkey welcomed the Government of National Accord and Serraj’s arrival in Tripoli. He warned that there could only be a political solution and that must come through dialogue. He also said that foreign intervention was not acceptable. [/restrict]