By Libya Herald reporters.
Tripoli, 22 March 2016:
Terrorism charges against three Libyans held in the UAE for 18 months have been dropped. . . .[restrict]However father and son Kamal and Mohamed Elderat and Salim Alaradi remain in custody accused of fund-raising for terrorists.
Earlier this month two other Libyans also accused of terrorism offences, Adel Nasef and Muad Al-Hashmi, walked free when the UAE Federal Court decided that they had no case to answer.
The fate of all the men, some of whom also have Canadian or US citizenship, has brought condemnation from among other organisations, Human Rights Watch. They were apparently all tortured into making confessions. The Elderats earlier this month persuaded the UAE court to investigate these allegations. No outcome of the enquiry has yet been released.
When they were arrested in August 2014, they were accused of being supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood. [/restrict]