By Adam Ali.

Benghazi, 15 July 2015:
A highly popular senior commander in the army’s Saiqa Special Forces was killed today when he was . . .[restrict]trying to drag another solider to safety.
Salem Al-Naaili, known as “Afarit ” – the “Demon” was commander of the 21st Brigade. He was shot by a sniper in fighting near Leithi. He was taken to Jalaa Hospital where he died from his wound.
The large and imposing Naaili came to prominence in fighting against Al-Sharia in 2013 when he earnt a reputation for fearlessness.
That fame very probably inspired the kidnapping of his 65 year-old father in December of that year. Haji Attiya Al-Naaili was seized by militants and a few days later, his severed head was left outside his son’s house in Benghazi’s Waeshe district.
It was reported that Ansar had offered to release the old man if Salem would surrender to them. The Saiqa commander’s response was that if he did so, both of them would be killed.
The savage murder of his father prompted huge sympathy for Naail and there has been widespread anger and sadness at his death today. It is reported that a large crowd attended his funeral in Waeshe . [/restrict]