By Mustafa Khalifa.
Ghat, 3 July 2015:
Sebha was today calm today after overnight clashes near Sebha Hospital between Tebu and Awlad Sulaiman . . .[restrict]fighters.
The fighting started following a dispute between individuals from the two communities who were at the hospital, said a spokesman for Misrata’s Third Force. However, the fighting had subsided, he said, and there were no known casualties.
The Third Force is supposed to be keeping the peace in town.
There have been regular and deadly bouts of fighting in and around Sebha between the two groups ever since the revolution.
It continues to be a bloody Ramandan in the town. The bodies of a Nigerian couple have been found with their throats slit in their home in town’s Manshiya district. It brings the number of people murdered since Ramadan began to 24.
The local Rada (deterrence) force, however, say they have arrested a man suspected of involvement in the killing of a local man, Abdussalam Al-Sbaihi, just over a month ago. A spokesman for the force said that they were looking for others who took in the killing and promised they would capture them. [/restrict]