By Mustafa Khalifa.
Ghat, 17 June 2015:
Two gunmen were killed in Sebha while trying to rob a shop near the Agricultural Bank . . .[restrict]in the town city centre on Monday morning.
According to the head of the investigation at the Gardah police station, Yahya Shuwail, gunmen drove up to the premises and tried to rob it, but the owner was armed and shot two of them. The colleagues of the two then started shooting at the premises from the car but soon afterwards fled.
A passer-by in the street was reported wounded in the shooting and taken to Sebha Medical Centre for treatment.
Meanwhile there has been another killing at Sebha University. According to other students, a vehicle stopped outside the science faculty gates yesterday, three people got out and started shooting. One student died, shot in the head, and two were injured in the incident. One is said to be in a serious condition.
The reason for the shooting is unknown.
There has been a massive growth in violent crime in the south in recent weeks. [/restrict]